This weekend was a great weekend. We started our Friday night by ordering food in. We watched movies with the kids and just sat back and relaxed. That's how majority of our Friday nights go. Saturday morning we finally got a cold front that really let us feel Fall air. We dressed warm and headed out to Channing's football game. They did so well! He got the ball and ran all the way down the field. He almost scored by a hair when the opponent pulled his flag. And boy was Chan happy he ran so fast and so far!
After his game we headed out to Home Depot. We are currently in the process of adding a fireplace, mantel and shelves to our living room. We finished the ship-lap and put rest of our supplies off to the side so we can pick up on Sunday.
Saturday night we went to Trunk-or-Treat. The kids had a blast and got a lot of candy. Their were pretty great vendors and companies there handing out candy. After we gathered candy, we walked around. We were amazed by the little safari. They had turtles, guinea pigs, a hedgehog, birds, spiders, scorpions and snakes. The kids wasn't scared to touch the snakes. It was a pretty neat sight to see. To end our night we took a free photo. I loved the way it turned out because none of us was ready for the picture! It is the memory of that night that I will remember.
On Sunday, we are doing little by little when we have time to work in our living room and so far it is going well. I love a good d.i.y. After three years of living in our home, we finally are staring to renovate a few things. We painted our wall and I added stones to the front of our fireplace mantel. That was a fun mess. I'm loving interior design and learning a lot as I get more done. I have just a two week deadline because I'm having a baby sprinkle. Will we get done in time? I think so!
What did you do this weekend? Halloween festivities? Any renovations going on or tackling? Tag me on Instagram so can see @hailey.nicholl !!
hailey cormier